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Maine Folk Dance Camp

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Jane Farwell

Mary Ann and Michael Herman Information: A Folk Dance camp (1948-1994).

Maine Folk Dance Camp was founded in 1946 by Jane Farwell, who invited Mary Ann and Michael Herman as teachers and then encouraged them to find their own site and take over the camp in 1948. Mary Ann directed the camp until her death in 1992.

Maine Camp lasted two more years, until 1994 when Michael decided to close the camp. The following year, 1995, devoted staff and campers founded Mainewoods Dance Camp with the theme of “International Understanding Through Dance” and incorporated as a 501(c)3.

The camp, located in Bridgton, Maine, offered summer-long classes in folk dance and music.

Teachers included Sunni Bloland, Andor Czompo, Laura De Chavarria, Nelda Drury, Ada Dziewanowska, Jane Farwell, Morry & Nancy Gelman, Matteo & Carola Goya, Henry Lash, Ralph Page, John Pappas, and David Vinski.

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