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Raštansko oro

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Information: A song.

Pronunciation: rash-TAHN-skoh OH-ro

Region: Macedonia


Do dve mi svaki sednale
Mágu tesni sokaci
Rodbinski se krarale
Celo gi selo slušalo

Slušaj svake kerkami
Mnogu mi se zhaleshe
Vo chorbata mesata
Pogolemi da bidat

A pak sini kerkati
Ama shto ja budeshe
Lele majko of lele
Cela noḱ ne budeshe

Gi dochula snaata
Grabna svekrva za raka
Ja odnese sred selo
Pa i veli govovi

Slušaj stara vampirke
Kozhata ke ti ja oderam
Na pazar ke ja odnesam
Za pari ke ja prodada
      Up to two of me each week
Mágu tesni sokaci
The roommates were chirping
Even the village listened

Listen to every kerk
I'm very happy with it
In chorbata meat
More likely to be

But son of a jerk
Ama what if you are
Lele mother of lele
You will not be all night long

Gi got the snails
Grafting mother-in-law for cancer
I take the middle village
Well, he says the words

Listen to the old vampires
Kozhata I'll get you
I'll take it on the market
I'm selling for the money


This page © 2018 by Ron Houston.
Please do not copy any part of this page without including this copyright notice.
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