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Song Chang

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Song Chang


Information: Song Chang (1891-1974), teacher of international recreational folk dancing.

Song Chang was considered the "Father of Folk Dance in California."

Change sold World Books and, as an artist, sold his scenes of San Francisco and Hawaii. But his main love was folk dance.

Folk dance was his means of displacing racial prejudice and the depression that created juvenile delinquency. He began with a small group of six couples in San Francisco in 1937 and expanded that group into a large club called Changs International Folk Dancers. 'Chang's', the only international club amid national clubs, exhibited dances at the 1939 San Francisco World's Fair.

Chang encouraged others to become leaders and teachers. He taught a new beginning club and the went on to teach another new group until they got on their feet (so to speak).

The idea of starting the Folk Dance Federation of California, Inc. was Chang's.

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