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Information: A song.

Translation: A person's name

Pronunciation: eh-dehr-LEH-zee

Source: Romani


Lyrics from "Le temps des gitans" (Time of the Romani) and Goran Bregović's "Ederlezi" CD.

Same amala, oro kelena oro kelena, dive kerena
Sao Roma, daje, ama rodive ama rodive, Ederlezi
Sao Roma, daje sao Roma, babo, babo
Sao Roma, o daje sao Roma, babo, babo
Ej, Ederlezi, Ederlezi, sao Roma, daje


All my friends are dancing, are dancing, make the day
All the Roma, mother, are gathered for the feast, Ederlezi
All the Roma, mother, all the Roma, father, father,
All the Roma, o mother, all the Roma, father, father,
Hey, Ederlezi, Ederlezi, all the Roma, mother


Lyrics from Carol Silverman.

Sa o Roma, babo, e bakren činen
A me čororo, dural bešava
Alo taro, daje, amaro dive
Amaro dive, Erdelezi

Ej, sa o Roma, babo, babo
Sa o Roma, o daje
Sa o Roma, babo, babo
Ej, Erdelezi, Erdelezi,
Sa o Roma, daje

Same amala oro khelena
Oro khelena, dive kherena
Alo taro . . .


All the Roma, dad, sacrify sheep,
But me, I am sitting apart.
Oh yes, mum,
It’s our celebration, Ederlezi.

Dad, all the Rroms, mum.
All the Roma,
Dad, dad
Ederlezi, Ederlezi,
All the Roma, mum.

All my friends dance the oro,
Dance the oro, they make the day.
Oh yes . . .


This page © 2018 by Ron Houston.
Please do not copy any part of this page without including this copyright notice.
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