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Gel Gel Aman

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Information: A song.

Translation: Come, come, oh my soul

Pronunciation: gehl gehl ah-MAHN

Other name: Karsilamas Mikras Asias

Region: Greece


Tis triandafillias ta filla vr'aman tha ta kano foresia
aman gel aman sevdalim' aman

Na ta valo na peraso vr'aman na sou kapso tin kardhia
aman gel aman sevdali'm* aman

Sena ta legho k'akouta pare
kharti kai ghrapse ta.

Apefasisa pouli mou, vr'aman apefasise kai si
aman gel aman** sevdali m'aman

Dhio kardhies na yinoun ena, vr'aman ena soma mia psykhi
aman gel aman sevdali m'aman

Sena ta dhino ta flouria mavra mou
matia kai ghlika.
      The petals of the rose bush,
I'll make them into something to wear

To put them on, to pass by,
to set fire to your heart

I'm telling you this, and listen to it;
take a piece of paper and write it down.

I decided, my little bird,
you should decide too

Two hearts should become one –
one body, one soul

I'll give you the florins,
my black- and sweet-eyed one.

*    "Sevdali'm" is Turkish for "My beloved."
**  "Aman gel aman" is Turkish for "Oh my soul, come, oh my soul."


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