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Ja podaj

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Information: A song.

Translation: Give me

Pronunciation: yah poh-DAHL

Region: Macedonia


"Ja podaj mi, mome, tenka pushka,
Ja da zamina,
Da zamina, mome, da pomina
Tuǵa tuǵina."

"Oti vrvish, ludo, Vardar reka
Matna i krvava?"
"Ḱe pomina, mome, ḱe zamina
Kaj i ḱe vleza."

"Oti vrvish, ludo, Shar-planina
Polna ovchari?"
"Ḱe pomina, mome, ḱe zamina,
Kaval ḱe svira."

"Oti vrvish, ludo, Karaorman,
Polno ajduci?"
"Ḱe pomina, mome, ḱe zamina,
S pushka ḱe frla."
      "Hand me my slender rifle,
oh girl,
so that I can be on my way,
o that I may go abroad."

"Why do you go,
young man,
through the Vardar River,
turgid and bloody?"

"Through the Shar Mountain,
full of shepherds?"
"I shall pass through it
playing the kaval."

"Through the Karaorman,
full of highwaymen?
"I shall pass through
it shooting my rifle."

Note: Karaorman = forest


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