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Oplakala se Yanina mayka

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Information: A song.

Translation: She cried, the mother of Yana.

Pronunciation: oh-PLAHK-lah-kah-lah seh YAH-nee-nah MAI-kah

Region: Bulgaria


Oplakala se Yanina mayka
Oi Yano Yano yubava Yano
Snoshti mi vecher iz mahalata, oi...

Oi zheni zheni verni drugarki, oi...
Dorde be Yano, Yano munichka, oi...

Se mi donasya voda studena, oi...
Voda studena ot byala cheshma, oi...

Sega mi Yana Yana porasna, oi...
Se mi donasya voda goreshta, oi...


She cried, the mother of Yana
Oh Yana, beautiful Yana
Last night, evening, in the neighborhood, oh...

Oh get married, get married, truly, girlfriends, oh...
Until you, very little Yana, oh...,

Brought me cold water, oh...
Cold water from the white spring, oh...

Now Yana has grown up, oh...
And keeps bringing me hot water, oh...


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