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Rada pere na rekata

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Information: A song.

Translation: Rada is washing on the river

Pronunciation: RAH-dah nah reh-KAH-tah

Region: Bulgaria

Note: Sing refrain after every line of verse.


Rada pere na rekata

          Rado mari, Rado, byala Rado

Na rekata pod vûrbata
Ozdol idat kiridzhii
Kiridzhi i govoriya
Day mi, Rado, ot platnoto
Nie tebe ot vinoto
Ne vi davam ot platnoto
Ne vi iskam ot vinoto
Na vi iskam nay-mladoto
Nay-mladoto kiradzhiche.
      Rada is washing on the river

          Rada, white Rada

On the river under the willow
Horse drivers come from below
A driver said to her,
"Give me, Rada, some cloth
and have some wine."
"I won't give you cloth
and I don't want wine.
I want your youngest
Youngest horse driver."


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