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Paty Rios

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Paty Rios


Information: Paty Rios, teacher of Mexican dance.

Paty Rios is a native Mexican whose life mission is to study, teach, and preserve the traditional dances of her country.

Paty focuses on authentic dances of ordinary people, some of which are still being done today.

Paty has 20 years of dance experience. She trained with the Ballet Folklorico de Mexico de Amalia Hernandez and toured, performed, choreographed, and taught stage dances for many years.

She has recently introduced Mexican dancing to the World Movement of Circle Dancing and has taught at international festivals in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.

Paty deeply loves Mexico and is thrilled to share its unique culture with the world. She has a bachelor's degree in tourism with a focus on Mexico, and a master's degree in social responsibility.

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