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The Society of Folk Dance Historians (SFDH)
Round Dance Glossary
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CP Closed Position
SCP Semi-closed Position
OP Open Position
PT Point
Ptr Partner
Tch Touch
Fwd Forward usually a progression in LOD, or to face fwd
Bk Back to step back or to indicate, for example, M's bk to COH
LF Left Face as in to turn LF
RF Right Face as in to turn RF
Bwd Backward to move backward
Vine Grapevine for example, SIDE,BK,SIDE,FRONT
XIB Cross in back (or XRIB) cross R in back (Cue sheet will specify ftwk)
XIF Cross in front cross R in front (Cue sheet will specify ftwk)
L Left could be L hand or L ft
R Right could be R hand or R ft
Ft Foot for example, Point R ft
Ct Count for example, Hold one ct
Swd Sideward also Sd
Hgt Height
Wgt Weight
Manuv Maneuver to smoothly assume position for next pattern of dance
Bfly Butterfly facing ptr with arms extended to side and palms touching
Bjo Banjo position Ptrs stand together so that R hips are adjacent
Scar Sidecar position Ptrs stand together so that L hips are adjacent
Intro Introduction introductory meas of music leading into dance pattern
Meas Measures 2/4 time (2 cts), 4/4 time (4 cts), 3/4 time (3 cts)
W Woman
M Man
Tog Together to step together
LOD Line of dance (or line of direction) usually to face or step CW around hall
CW Clockwise or a movement in RLOD around hall, or a turning movement
CCW Counter-Clockwise the opposite of CW
Ack Acknowledge to face ptr and bow or SMILE while stepping apart
/ Symbol splitting a meas or ct, for example, STEP/CLOSE, STEP, STEP/CLOSE, STEP
Dash, meaning a Hold ct
; Semi-colon indicates end of meas
, Comma divides meas into cts
M's Man's for example, M's L hand
W's Woman's for example, W's R hand
Twd Toward for example, to step twd LOD or tog.
Pos Position for example, take Closed Pos
Diag Diagonal(ly) to face or move diagonally
COH Center of Hall
Pas de Basque - for example, Step side L in bk, in bk of L on R, step in place L, hold 1 ct;
Bal Balance a movement more or less in place
S Slow to indicate movement or kind of step (as in Latin rhythm)
Q Quick to indicate movement or kind of step (as in Latin rhythm)
Prog Progress to move either fwd or bk
Hitch a change of direction step for example, FWD,CLOSE,BK;
Check Also a change of direction step, either fwd or bk for example, FWD,BK,BK, to stop mvmt
Mvmt Movement
1 4 Numbers at L hand of description indicates amount of meas in pattern
Stp Step
Cl Close
Bhnd Behind
Roc Rock
Rec Recover
In Closed Position using a blending action step side left, close right to left, side and diagonally across line of progression left and pivoting 1/2 right face on left, hold; step side right, close left to right, side right pivoting 1/2 right face on right, hold; (sd,cl,trn,;).
Woman Step side right, close left to right, side right pivoting 1/2 right face on right, hold; step side left, close right to left, side and diagonally across left pivoting 1/2 right face on left, hold;
Ending position and facing direction may change with choreography that is, SCP, SCAR, et cetera.
Reprinted from the 1982 University of the Pacific (Stockton) Folk Dance Camp syllabus.
This page © 2018 by Ron Houston.
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